I have had extensive training prior to becoming a consultant in all aspects of eye surgery at highly respected teaching hospitals including Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital in London.

I had specialist training in medical and surgical retinal problems including a vitreoretinal surgical fellowship under the guidance of Prof David McLeod at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital.  I also specialise in high risk cataract operations and am often referred these surgically challenging patients from my consultant colleagues in the region.  I continually update my skills by attending national and international conferences to stay at the cutting edge of ophthalmic surgery.

Find out more about your surgeon, Peter Simcock

My blog will keep you up to date with developments in the world of eye surgery and also on my schedule of teaching and training events for patients, optometrists and trainee doctors.


Mr Peter Simcock MB ChB DO FRCP FRCS FRCOphth trained at three prestigious teaching hospitals, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital, London.


Mr Peter Simcock is highly regarded by his fellow Consultants in the region as a reliable and authoritative second opinion on complicated and difficult cataract and retinal cases.


Mr Peter Simcock was the first eye surgeon in the UK to pioneer the use of a “no or limited posture” technique in the treatment of macular holes with a scientific publication in 2000.


Mr Peter Simcock is renowned for his teaching ability and has trained doctors from around the world. He has published 3 books and has 45 scientific articles in peer reviewed journals.

NHS Work

Mr Peter Simcock's  dedication to NHS work has resulted in being awarded a national clinical excellence award in 2009 and renewed in 2014 for services over and above what is contractually required.

Patient Feedback

Patient feedback is vital in order to improve the service.  All patients have feedback forms given and Exeter Eye at Admiral House publishes patient reported outcomes on a quarterly basis. 

Surgical Audit

At Exeter Eye all cataract surgery data is captured on an electronic patient record called Medisight and this facilitates continuous audit on outcomes such as improvement in vision and complication rates


I provide teaching material for Medical Students, Eye Doctors, Optometrists and Patients in the form of videos and powerpoint slides.  There will be some video material of operations I have performed.